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    15 Jul 2017


  • Locationbangkok thailand


Crossing an adjustable voltage source and an adjustable current source is not at all difficult :)
To do this, we will supply information about the current and voltage to the 4th feedback output of the microcircuit. Let's untie them with diodes so that they do not interfere with each other's work. Now, with the potentiometer R3 we set the required voltage, with the potentiometer R6 we set the maximum allowable current. If the current in the load exceeds the maximum allowable, then the voltage at the cathode of the diode VD3 will exceed the voltage at the cathode VD2 and the regulator will begin to reduce the voltage, keeping the current that we set constant. Simple, isn't it? :)      http://www.microsmar...7uo2&topic=44.0



Crossing an adjustable voltage source and an adjustable current source is not at all difficult :)
To do this, we will supply information about the current and voltage to the 4th feedback output of the microcircuit. Let's untie them with diodes so that they do not interfere with each other's work. Now, with the potentiometer R3 we set the required voltage, with the potentiometer R6 we set the maximum allowable current. If the current in the load exceeds the maximum allowable, then the voltage at the cathode of the diode VD3 will exceed the voltage at the cathode VD2 and the regulator will begin to reduce the voltage, keeping the current that we set constant. Simple, isn't it? :)      http://www.microsmar...7uo2&topic=44.0

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